Thanks to Kerry at Starlight Studio Graphics for
making this beautiful globe.
This is especially for all of Nate's friends and family
to share their memories of him. E-mail me with your thoughts about his life or death, and I will post them here for
everyone to read....... Thanks, Lisa (Nate's Mom)
Envision Me
The salty tears run down my face, And spiral towards
the floor. I know you're not returning here,
To walk back through my door.
I remember how it used to be,
To look into your eyes. And every time I think of that, A small part of me dies.
But then I think of Heaven, For you went there
on that day. I envision you in happiness, In this place where you now stay.
You warm yourself in Angels wings, And walk
on streets of gold. You rest your head on fluffy clouds, And you have God's hand to hold.
Bright stars light your pathway, And you dine
with our dear Lord. The Saints sing you a lullaby,
In one harmonious accord.
I remember all these things, And I know you're
doing fine. But I still long for your presence Because for so long you were mine.
I will go on and keep living, Still loving you
ever more. I will meet you with my last breath, On that bright, golden shore.
By: Jennifer F. Hodge

Of course we have a bias but we feel blessed to have been the
Grandmother and Aunt of one of the most respectful and handsome young men anyone could ever hope to know and love. From the
time he was born he was the exact image of his Dad. His Dad was born in a car and I, Mady, was just 16, and witnessed his
birth. When Nathan arrived it was like reliving his Dad’s childhood all over again. Even though they didn’t spend
much time together it was always amazing to us that he walked the same as his Dad and had the same actions.
We enjoyed celebrating birthdays with Nate and Nick and always
made sure they were treated alike. We were always amazed by Nathan’s love for tools rather than toys. At a very young
age he made us gifts from wood, which we were so proud of not only because they were perfect but also because Nate made them.
Nate would come to his Grandpa Kelly’s farm and hang out.
He was his grandpa’s shadow, checking out the tools, tractors and of course fishing by the river. He had lots of coaching
from his Grandpa about wearing his cap backwards and having an earring. There was always a cute smile but no comments. He
would tuck his hair under his cap so he wouldn’t have to hear about having long hair.
Having Nate with us for our Christmas gatherings was always a
joy. Grandma Nat didn’t have a lot of money but she put money away all year to buy special gifts for Nate and the rest
of the grandchildren. She soon learned that he like money rather than clothes so he could buy tools. One year he wanted a
lava lamp. It was at a time when they weren’t real popular so Mady and Grandma Nat spent almost a whole day at the mega
mall trying to find one. Pushing a wheelchair in and out of the stores was no easy task but at least Grandma Nat could put
it on her lap when we finally found it. We could tell when he opened his present that it was all worth it.
Nate always brought each of us special gifts at Christmas.
We liked to believe he was a good shopper but we know we might have to give some credit to his Mom. The last Christmas he
spent with us we each received a beautiful angel figurine. These are possessions we will always cherish.
Uncle Bush spent many hours discussing cars with Nate. They had
big plans to go to the “Back To The Fifties” car show but plans changed and it didn’t happen but the memories
of the talks are vivid. I’m not sure which one of them thought they had the loudest mufflers but it sure was discussed.
If Nathan had a new girlfriend or the same girlfriend he had
to share them with us, usually showing a picture. We always thought anyone he picked was a beautiful lady.
As Nate grew up we knew the kisses he welcomed as a child were
probably not cool BUT he still let us hug and kiss him although he probably never let anyone know about it and we sure wouldn’t
Several days before Nate’s 21st birthday Grandma Nat called
him on his cell phone. To her surprise she learned that he and his brother Nick were only a couple blocks from her house and
would stop by. They arrived on their snowmobiles. They had a long visit, which was his last visit. He received his birthday
present. Such a treasured memory.
Written by Aunt Mady and Grandma Nat

I have so many memories with
Nate. He was such a sweet, caring, and fun-loving person. I will always remember the time when
Nate, Frito, and I went to Rochester for my volleyball tournement and stayed in a hotel. On the
way up there, Frito and Nate were just jamming to 100.5. It was the funniest thing. And when their little 100.5 jingle would come on they would both try to sing it like the lady did on the radio.
And I will never forget how Nate would work on his cars and his truck and even my car, and how proud he was to know all of that stuff about cars, and how
happy he was doing this stuff.
Another memory that I will never forget
about him was one night I came to his house, and I walked inside and he had the music just blasted!
I walked inside and he took me and started dancing with me! Like funny dancing, like the tango and silly stuff like that. I thought he was drunk, but he told me he was
in the best mood and had the best day ever. That is the Nate that I will never forget! The happy,
fun-loving, silly Nate. I still and will always love him no matter what!
It's been five months now and I still think
about him and dream about him, and I don't ever think I'll ever stop. I miss him so much. I miss
his big brown eyes, his smile, and his silly laugh. And I try not to think about this,
but, I will always remember his last words to me... " I love You So much." Then he was gone. I
tried calling him back, but no answer. I will never forget Nathan James Nachreiner.
I will love him ALWAYS AND FOREVER!
~Mandy Blank~

Nate was an amazing guy. There was so
many times he helped us out by just smiling when things were down. He was the only man I knew who could do that.
He was always there for his friends when they needed him, and always gave a helping hand when it was needed. Our
son adored him. I remember there was this one time ,when we lived with him, that he crawled under our son's toy to play
with him. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. We enjoyed going mudding with
Nate. He loved getting his vehicle all muddy and driving through town with it. One time, we ended up getting into
a mud fight and everyone was covered in mud. We had great times at gatherings
with friends. He was the life of the party everytime. Nate and a friend would always get everyone laughing
by doing a little dance. It was hilarious! It's still so hard to believe that he is gone.
But we have to remember that he is in a better place, smiling down on all of us. But most of all, remember that he will ALWAYS
be with his friends and family until the day we join him.
Gina, Russell, and Austin

-Nate could always make you laugh. He'd walk in the door and
say "Honey, I'm home" or "GEEEEEE" (which he said a lot). It always came with a big smile and usually a hug.
-When the chips "wahoos came out, it was like Nate had won the lottery.
For awhile he always had them with him and if he forgot to bring some he'd have to run back to town to get some. We
bought wahoos a few times to surprise him when he got to our place. Do they still make those?
-Nate & Frito made up this awesome dance they would do to the
song "I Love You Always Forever" and a few other songs - but always that one. They pulled their arms into their sleeves
so just their wrists would stick out. Then they'd dance around like a couple of lunatics and clap each other's hands.
I don't know if anything could ever beat that! Thank God for cameras!! And if there was ever a girl nearby they
got you in between them and would slam you back and forth between them.
-Nate loved the Goonies (as you know and how can you not love the
Goonies!). He wore that Truffle Shuffle shirt a lot and he'd even do it for us sometimes!
-There was one night a few of us were at our place and we were
obviously very bored (even though I think we amuse ourselves very well). I had garbage bags full of bubble
wrap from work (I was using as packing material) that we got out and we spent hours popping ALL of it. Nate was
popping some with his teeth and Sheena finally told him to chew it like gum. He did and we all had a good laugh.
(Maybe you had to be there!)
-One night when George got done milking cows, he walked in the door
and Nate said "Hey sexy" (as usual) followed by "BAAAAAAAAAA" and they were saying that back and forth the whole night.
It's a Coleman thing.
-When Nate called, it was always fun to answer the phone because
every time was different. One time he'd ask if he could come over and listen to some tuneage and drink some
beers or consume some beverages and the next time he'd be Habib trying to sell you a camel.
-When no one else would dance with me to the Guess Who, Nate would.
And he'd always ask - "Kim-play that song I like by Skid Row". And I'd say "You mean Home Sweet Home by Motley
Crue." He' d say yeah and get a big smile on his face. It never failed.
-And who could forget the night he poured Bacardi 151 in his
eye? He thought he was gonna be smart and hold the bottle as high up as he could and pour it in his mouth.
Well he poured it right in his eye. His hand immediately went over his eye and I pulled him into the bathroom.
I put drops in his eye to wash it out but it just made it worse! I think we tried some water too. His eye
was SO red and he said it hurt like hell! We felt so bad for him! He was fine but he never did that
-He loved working on vehicles (as you all know). And the one
time Russell and him left here with Russell's car (which wasn't in very good shape) and George (laughing) said "I'm gonna
be getting a call in a few minutes here". And about 3 minutes later guess who called because the car blew up?
George went and got them a few miles down the road.
-It was also fun to get him birthday cards-although after the first
one we got him he was usually afraid to open them. Usually looking at it was followed by "EWWW!!" But for George's
birthday he got him a couple equally disgusting magazines - Frito I know you remember!!
-And I'll never forget the time at his house Sheena said something
funny to Nate and he said (not thinking anyone was listening) "Sheena you make me giggle in my pants" and we all looked at
him and started laughing and he said something like "did I say that out loud?" but he laughed too.
-And usually it wasn't Nate unless he had a dirty shirt or coat
and a dirty very bent hat! He gave us so many good memories and we miss him SOOOOO much!! The past few months
have been so hard on everyone but we know he's watching over us and that he'll always be with us and we'll never forget him!
We love you Nate!!!!!!!!!!!!
George & Kim :)

We have all said our goodbyes
you are in a better place
as happy as can be
we will miss you dearly, forever and always!
Everyone shed a tear
Everyone said I love you
and Everyone said goodbye.
You are free now Nate.
You can fly away and see everything and everyone.
You never have to be sad again.
One day we will all see you again.
But until that day comes,
we will never forget you.
The memories will always be with us.
We love you Nate for ever and ALWAYS!
~Amanda Ibberson~

I only know you through your Mom but seeing the twinkle in her
eyes when she shares you with me, just shows how proud she is, how much she loves you and misses you!! The stories
of your life that she told made us laugh and cry. I’m just so sorry that you had to give up the fight. But
your not alone, my baby girl left me a few days after you left your Mom and I can only hope that the two of you are friends
and that you will watch over my girl…she always wanted a big brother. And I now also have the honor of having
your Mom as a friend!! You had your reasons to leave and I know your life is free of pain and heartache. I just
hope that you still get to watch the races and tip a cold Bud!! You deserve it!! When and if I get to
Sleepy Eye, I will make sure to bring a 6 of Bud just for you!!! My only regret is not having the privilege of knowing you
but in a way, I feel like I do. As a mom who lost her baby, I share with you her “Reason”
I’m not a perfect person, there’s many things
I wish I didn’t do…….
I’m sorry that I hurt you, it’s something I
must live with everyday…
And all the pain I put you through, I wish that I could
take it all away..
And be the one who catches all your tears…
That’s why I need you to hear….I found a reason
for me
Nate, you are loved and missed by many….take care of you…and
we will all
take care of your Mom…I promise this to you!!!
You’re a shooting star, so shine on, always & forever!!!
Tracy Moore – Brittany Marie Moore (SWTB896) Mom
12-13-90 / 04-17-04
“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person
you may be the
world” (Author unknown). Brittany, you are my

I met Nate in the summer of 1996. My sister Laura, friend
Renee, and I, had come to Sleepeye on a vacation with my parents to see our family. We were young teenagers (15 and 14) so
we were really bored...and we took a lot of walks around the town, hoping to find someone to hang out with! One day while
we were walking a red and white car stopped and two guys got out and started talking to us. It was Nate and Rocket (Rick). Normally
we wouldnt take a ride with strangers, but we were SOOOOO bored and these two seemed harmless. Anyway, for the rest of the
vacation we hung out with those two (and some other people) and had a blast! The next year we came back and immediately looked
up Nates number in the phone book...we remembered his name cause it was so different ....who could forget a last name like
Nachreiner?? :0)
So from the summer of 1996 till 2001, we hung out with Nate and a lot of other people every day of the two weeks we were in
Its really hard to remember specific details of all
the stuff we did......but a few things really stand out in my mind. My best memories come from the 4th of July one year….it
was either 1997 or 1998, I’m not sure which. We all piled into my sisters jeep and were just
driving around Sleepyeye. My little nephews tape was in the car and we popped
it in and started singing along to all the kids songs and Nate rolled the window down and started
singing “pop goes the weasel” to anyone we would pass by. We all fell out laughing
when some old lady started dancing on the sidewalk when we passed her. The same day we got some
fireworks (the kind we weren’t supposed to have) and went out to the edge of town in some
field and set them off. We had so much fun that night just knowing that we weren’t supposed to be there setting those off was quite a thrill (we were teenagers after
all). I also remember sitting around on the front porch of Nates house a lot. Sometimes Nate and Jordan would play around on their bikes, sometimes
Nick, Nate, Jordan and Adam would beat each other up for fun……it was really entertaining to watch. We used to go
to all the parks a lot, for lack of anything better to do, and play on the swings and merry go rounds. We used to go through the cemeteries
a lot too. Nate would try to scare us if it was dark out, or we would just go back there to sneak
cigarettes :0) Nate and Jordan liked to climb on the tombstones and pose for pictures. I still have every single picture we ever took there. I guess to some people my memories
might seem silly or un-important, but those were the best summers of my life. We were young, dumb,
and carefree…and we had a lot
of fun! We never had to call Nate when we got to Sleepyeye, all we had to do was go walk down main street a couple of times, and there would always be a car that
would go by, with Nate hanging out the passenger window, yelling and waving! The last time I saw Nate was the 4th of July 2001. My sister
and I went up to the park with my three month old daughter, for buffalo burgers. Nate came over and said hi, saw the baby, and talked for a little bit. We planned on hanging
out again that week, but it didn’t happen. I guess we were all just growing up and had other
things to do.
Sometimes I wish that I had seen Nate more over the
next few years when I went to Minnesota. I wish I could have seen him at least one more time…I
wish I could have made it to his funeral…but
I like remembering Nate the way he was back then…young, carefree, and a whole lot of fun!
I am constantly wondering what happened
to him...when and why he stopped being carefree and having fun....i guess i will never know.
I will NEVER, EVER forget Nate or the fun we all had
those years. I feel very blessed to have met Nate and been able to get to know him. He had definitely left his mark on my life.
Miss you Nate,
I wish things could have been different!
Love, Margie from Michigan.

There are so many things that i remember about Nate,
I do not even know where to begin. I
guess I will start at the begining. I first met Nate and Nick when my uncle started seeing Nate's mom Lisa. I babysat for the boys for quite a while. And then Nate's brother Adam was born and I continued to babysit for them. Adam is my cousin and the boys(Nick and Nate) thought it was cool because they had more cousins now that their mom was married to my uncle. They both refered to me as their cousin and I did not mind because to this day I still feel they are my cousins. I was really close to them, and especially Nate. That was about 12 years ago and about 5 years ago Nate and Brock(my boyfriend) became really good friends. People would say they had a lot in common because they did. Nate and Brock shared a love for cars!!!!!!!!! They both lived and breathed cars from the moment they got off work. Nate would call brock and they would meet at our house and start something. Or they would go to Merle and Lisa's and work on Nate's prize possesion, his Monte Carlo, or snowmobiles. There was one time that I remember Nate coming over in like October or November and helping Brock with the shingles on the garage, they looked so tired and so cold (I think the beer kept them warm) and they stayed up there until it was done. They did stop for supper though. Nate was amazed with my meatballs and gravy. He loved them!!! He also came over one sunday for the superbowl and I made cheese and hamburger dip with chips he loved that way more than the meatballs and I have not made the
dip since because it reminds me of him. The best thing I remember about Nate is that he was the kindest, most genuine and
honest person I know. I miss him so much and I think of him every day and if we could have only saved him he would still be
here telling me he loved me and just being Nate!!!!!!
Love, Heather &